Friday, June 27, 2008

My Experience in New BEST

That day i was travelling back from Patkar college with my brother and I got to sit in this new BEST bus especially designed for the handicap (not at all meant for handicap). The bus was quite spacious but stinky it had rained a while ago and it was all messed up. As I moved in I noticed that the windows are above seats. The ventillation was unbalanced. Secondly, number of seats are less compared to our regualr buses. There is no reservation too for ladies! It's on first come basis. Bus is divivded in to two parts. The first half is at low level and the tail is at upper level and you have to climb to get in to the seats. Hardly, anyone was ready to go towards tail side so the crowd was there in front. Lastly, the worst part, bus is very light so slight brake and there you land up somewhere else. The jerk and torque created can be really accidental. Conclusion, bus is not at all safe for the handicap as well as public. Bus needs lots of changes to make it more safer and comfortable.

1 comment:

Shruti said...

I fail to understand how can you have a upper level and lower level in a bus specially meant for handicaps